Just seen the bit about E*Trade choosing capitalspread presumably because 'they know quality when they see it' .. my take on that is that it has nothing to do with quality, but everything to do with increased earnings at a reduced cost -- ie, reason behind most outsourcing decisions.
2 points relagrading that:
-- E*Trade probably had a fairer system, but realised they could make more by using the capitalspreads style of spread-adjusted market prices.
-- There can't be that many mugs doing spread-betting .. as even a regular dumbo newby like me was able to quickly realise that its a mug's game with the dice heavily loaded against you. So, in the face of shrinking (or volatile) customer base, E*Trade will gain by eliminating some of their operating cost, for a guarrantteed increase in revenue as the use of capitalspread most probably represents.
I think the folks touting spread-betting as great for begineers are those who have snake-oil systems/books/ebooks/courses to sell, or those involved in providing these services. Newbies reading this should realise that there is something called spread-trading out there, which has lower margin requirements than many spread-betting services do .. oh, yes .. lower margins .. this is becasue some spread-betting shops will force a minimum number of points for setting your stop-loss which one must use when taking a position .. if that is not the same as a margin requirement, pls tell me what it is ..
Newbys should seek out a good spread-trading book/course, and seek out brokers who accept spread-trading positions. Once you have tried this once, you will be kicking yourself that you ever let these scammers take you for a ride.
Hope this post is useful to some would-be mug.