In all honesty, who knows.
I only built this PC a few weeks back so it's pretty fresh, albeit not the highest of current specs.
It is potentially possible the price changed at the time I clicked, but I did not see that happen, and bear in mind I attempted to close this trade at the same price 3 times in a row in under 30 seconds, so I was pretty focused on what the ticket was displaying and on what my profit level was showing.
I will now wait and see if similar occurrences happen in the future. The more occurrences, the more weight I've got in relation to proving an issue. If it doesn't happen again, then it was obviously just one of those things.
Seeing some of the spikes on various charts, which are also replicated in the chart tick data added to my concerns surrounding the whole issue.
Other than that 63 points, which value wise was covered by that £250 introductory bonus (although that isn't reason to accept the loss), I have not technically lost any money and have been fortunate enough to have been quite profitable in the account over all. In fact, I could withdraw all of my original deposit and still have a 4 figure sum to trade from - not sure whether it's coincidence or something about their platform or even a psychological thing, but % wise my returns have been higher with Caps over the last 2 weeks than they have been with IG. That said, the stakes have been much smaller so maybe a little less risk aversion in stretching the extra few points out of a trade.