Can I go into IDB?


Hey Everyone,

just pondering over the thought of (trying to) go into interdealer broking...I know this webstie is about trading, but most of you sound like you know a lot about alot, so Its worth a try.

Recetnly I read an article saying that women and minorities are hardly ever given employment in IDB firms.

I then asked a trader friend, and he said every single broker he ever came into contact with was a white male.

Fine, I understand why there aren't many women in IDB, and frankly I don't care

But I am a minority (indian) and was wandering if this means I have no chance at all of getting work at an IDB. I'm also muslim by origin (but am not really a practicing muslim - I can drink like a fish). I'm convinced that this will hold me back at least a bit, but will it actually hold me back a hell of a lot?

ramo7862 said:
Hey Everyone,

But I am a minority (indian) and was wandering if this means I have no chance at all of getting work at an IDB. I'm also muslim by origin (but am not really a practicing muslim - I can drink like a fish). I'm convinced that this will hold me back at least a bit, but will it actually hold me back a hell of a lot?


If you care they will care
if you have a flair for this business you will get your shot in time, all you can do is hold your head up and be proud of who you are and where you are from.
some interviewers are sharp as a blade and they will be able to read you body language
if they see you have the potential to make the firm lots of money they wont give a monkeys if you are bright orange :cheesy: