Behind the scenes - what do they do?

I'm afraid I don't have one handy but I think I have one on my other machine (currently 2,000 miles from where I am). If I find it I will PM it to you, if not, apologies.

T2W at Its Best!

Some quality posts here Guys 'n' Gels. Particular thanks go to NQR, Arbitrageur and the blades for finally settling the age old argument about Spread Betting Co's and how they make their money. To my way of thinking, the good and bad points about SB firms are well and truly out in the open for everyone to assess and act upon accordingly. The next time the debate about the merits (or otherwise) of SBing pops up in a thread, this is the place to find definitive answers.

Forgive me if I drone on a little, but I also appreciate the respect shown between posters with seemingly opposing views. All too often (on other threads), posters retreat into defence mode or attack mode. Neither appears to respect the other and address any questions raised. This thread is a shining example that good debate can take place on an Internet forum and mutual respect for opposing views can be exhibited for the benefit of all members. P L E A S E can there be more threads like this on T2W and then, just maybe, it will return to being the crucible of knowledge and ideas for the mutual benefit of all that it once aspired to be.

Thanks again to all contributors to this thread,
re. whether SB companies 'skew' their prices, it would surely make sense of them to move their quote to offset the punters' overall position in something like an index or currency.
i feel i need to share my experience with you...i've just lost 25% of my money in 1 day because of software bugs in cmc's software - utterly gutted...
someone shoot me in the head - i need putting down...
I refer you to post number 15 on this thread.

You lost money betting?! Wow! It MUST be someone else's fault. You poor thing!

Would point out that this discussion is not relevant to direct access (?) firms like
correct. The reason FB are based in Gibralter is because Gib hedging tax laws are different from UK hedging tax law - so they can hedge the SB - basically allow you to trade on the underlying as a fully hedged direct offset, because the different tax laws mean they dont pay tax on the hedge profits.

FB model wouldnt work in the UK for this reason.