Backtesting Software / Strategy Creation


After trading for quite a long time, predominantly off the button, decided to try and be more strategic with my trades...Created basic indicators using combos of stoch over different timeframes to identify "safe trasding" zones etc...Typically look for nice swing trades on the 100 and kind of got this nailled so any kind of scalping would be anice hobby to stop overtrading the 100 in a perverse way...

Moved over to esignal for independent data feed and[platform as got fed up of of GFT ghosting and feeling that there was something "cooking" that was not been shown..

Think Esignal looks pretty, but very basic and does not offer any simple stratregy ctreation software or easy to use backtesting software..

Spent 4 days downloading every software under the sun including, NT 7, multiWindows, TickQuest, OpenQuant, Trade ideas pro, RighjtEdge, XTick..

Overall, not interested in programming, but sure there must be a simple to use strategy creator and backtesting software... Overall, think they are all a pile of horse xxxx that would not challenge a cOMMODORE 64 (shopwing my age) and sure there must be somethig out there that does what it says on the tin ?

Thoughts Anybody....