At what point do you punch this girl?


Legendary member
OK - an emotive subject. You never raise your hand to a woman, right?

How about if you were in this scenario?

A word from Mr Bond to consider...

If I was in that scenario with the charming Amber, I should jolly well withhold my physical favours. Now that would teach her a lesson!
I would have given her the first one for free (and warned her that this was the case), and then she would have got a strong back-hander if she tried hitting me in the face again.
This kind of behavior is outside my experience, although my wife and I have gone at it verbally, loud and long. Funny thing. It doesn't seem to phase her that I'm always armed.

Then there is the couple reported on recently who used live gunfire during sex play. Now the wife is dead.
Then there is the couple reported on recently who used live gunfire during sex play. Now the wife is dead.

It's great how these kids manage to keep their love-lives so new and fresh.

I would have hit the girl in the first video before things got physical. Strike first...strike hard.
It's great how these kids manage to keep their love-lives so new and fresh.

I would have hit the girl in the first video before things got physical. Strike first...strike hard.

Another funny thing. I've become considerably less aggressive since I began carrying, especially while driving. From talking to others that is not uncommon. It's either having nothing to prove or fear of prison if the law doesn't agree that I was in fear of my life when I shot the guy/gal.
OK - an emotive subject. You never raise your hand to a woman, right?

How about if you were in this scenario?

It's tricky.

Question rephrase: would you ever hit a lady? No. A gentleman never hits a lady. But a lady never hits a gentleman.

The scenario: I'd never get into that kind of scenario. Clearly, he's done something very wrong and knows it. And the sort of woman I date doesn't use violence or swear much.

Now, if a woman was robbing me, I would not blink before putting her to the floor.