Anyone succesfully using a system?

Google 'tape reading'. This is kind of what you're saying right? No charts, just look at the price action.

The term tape reading stems from the fact that in the very old days, before computers etc, all that people would have available to them was an old ticker tape printer, spewing out reams of price updates. So the astute traders learned to read between the lines a bit and discern when there was good buying momentum, when it was starting to dry out etc.

Thus today, tape reader is a quaint catch-all description of a person who doesn't need any fancy charts etc to trade, just a price feed. Also known (more colloquially) as a 'darksider'.
I read it and appreciated it GJ - so your effort wasn't entirely wasted!
Don't agree with it mind - being a 'darksider' that is; indicators are the way to go - more the merrier!
Also known (more colloquially) as a 'darksider'.

Oooooh, a new term to jot down in my trader jargon notebook...:clap: Sounds like something from Starwars too

Anyhow, just to be clear - a darksider is a trader who uses nothing but a L2 and ticker. Correct?
Not sure I ever mentioned L2 - it's not really a product specific term I'd say. Whereas L2 means stocks really.
Not sure I ever mentioned L2 - it's not really a product specific term I'd say. Whereas L2 means stocks really.

I always use L2 interchangeably (probably incorrectly) with market depth/order book, etc.
Anyhow, just to be clear - a darksider is a trader who uses nothing but a L2 and ticker. Correct?
Not necessarily. It's my understanding (and I may be wrong) that anyone who trades solely off a naked chart (a basic moving average is allowed, but not much else) would or could be described as a 'darksider'.
darksider = someone wanting to be thought as having special "powers" and weaving mystery around themselves
Load of hydroceles imho
What does it matter anyway? Mention being a darksider to anyone outside the sphere of T2W and you will only get funny looks.
What does it matter anyway? Mention being a darksider to anyone outside the sphere of T2W and you will only get funny looks.



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Dilesh thats harsh man! Not only was she shot in the face by her husband of all people, now she's the butt of all the jokes too. Poor woman. Anyway, I thought a darksider was anyone who bummed SOCRATES