Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Have a habit of sitting there all day, not good.

Starting to try and go the gym in the morning.

And stop every two hours for a cup of tea or water and go outside away the PC.

thats good,

asx200 looks like its falling off a cliff,
Have a habit of sitting there all day, not good.

Starting to try and go the gym in the morning.

And stop every two hours for a cup of tea or water and go outside away the PC.

I've been going to a gym, Monday to Friday, for thirty years. It benefits you in later life, I promise you. I get up at 0520 to get in at 0650 but, of course, Spanish weather in winter is better than UK. That gives me a clear day, afterwards to do as I want. Lots of people come in at that time so as to go straight to work, afterwards.

Try it! :D
I've been going to a gym, Monday to Friday, for thirty years. It benefits you in later life, I promise you. I get up at 0520 to get in at 0650 but, of course, Spanish weather in winter is better than UK. That gives me a clear day, afterwards to do as I want. Lots of people come in at that time so as to go straight to work, afterwards.

Try it! :D

Thanks Splitilink, will do:)
Its spring now over here and daylight at 5am, so have no excuse.
I've been going to a gym, Monday to Friday, for thirty years. It benefits you in later life, I promise you. I get up at 0520 to get in at 0650 but, of course, Spanish weather in winter is better than UK. That gives me a clear day, afterwards to do as I want. Lots of people come in at that time so as to go straight to work, afterwards.

Try it! :D

morning Splitlink

I wake up and walk 4 miles, in the park I do burpees one of the best exercises,

I do it wil a flying pushup

Amazing comeback for the Dax, entered long earlier this morning but got stopped out when it drifted lower.
looks like the S&P is petering out on the way up. I think the FTSE will follow.

begeegs, i am running three browsers and spreading my trading stuff over the three has helped my cpu problem ....keeping flash charts on separate browser seems to have made it a lot more stable over the last few days... thought you might like to know