Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

i was short all day, got out of positions long time ago.
markets are all about timing and less about after 3pm you may want to put full focus on our screen and recite a bible verse......tends to be a dangerous hour

no sh^t? thanks for the psa

don't tarde afetr 2;pm cst:)

wanna place a trade? once in a while?
not one trader here that got it right today..

incl me, sorry to say :(

that shorted the dow open

everyone is talking smack now :)

"it's the bottom, i'm long. nah it's short..."

fighting over crumphs

we call ourselves traders?
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that was honsetly my last post,,need to work on catching more of big picture, don't think i can do that on this thread.
In the currency market, the Dollar depreciated against some currencies, after reinforced the perception that the Fed will not accelerate the pace of normalization of interest rates.
Germans going 'all in' on a positive open for the dow.
FTSE shuffling around the days lows.