Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


  • grumpy-dwarf.jpg
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Theres a heck of a lot of chop going on with Daxy today.
Thats one ugly one minute chart.
Hi tar .Interesting way of trading.Is it your own method or are other people doing this(hedging).Ps still have not watched that film yet (y)


Many traders do trade spreads but not necessarily that one ( SP-Dax-Dow ) , initially i went long SP at 45.4 but when it didnt work i hedged and turned my trade to a spread trade , looking for the spread to shrink , currently its around -7100 ...
DAX/DOW Variance

Variance was 90 on the spike.

Any move back over 70 and will short DAX and long DOW ratio of 1.80


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Well this is fun.
Dow still higher on the close Dax going even further into the red.