Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Closely watched hedge fund manager Jim Chanos says he has the best barometer for gauging where one percenters are putting their money, given the Federal Reserve’s easy money policies that have been fueling their portfolios to record highs.

During an interview Thursday on CNBC’s ‘Squawk Box,’ he pointed to the stock chart of Sotheby’s, the UK-based auction house… contemporary art markets go bonkers just before a stock market crash:

I dont know but if they're anything like his Feng Shui predictions they're pants.

Mr TopStep ‏@MrTopStep 15m
The Chinese call it 'Silver pockets full. " Based on Chinese Feng Shui.
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Mr TopStep ‏@MrTopStep 16m
Aug 2014, will have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens only once every 823 years.

August had 3 Fridays Saturdays and Sundays last in 2008. That wasnt 823 years ago if memory serves.
He will put any old crap on his twitter page nowdays. Its all about numbahs.
I'm warning you that the following could be construed as offensive.
Those of a nervous disposition read no further.

2 more bankers dead, thats 13 now!

From the zerohedge website.

Over the weekend the world was gripped by the drama surrounding the mysterious murder-homicide of the former CEO of Dutch bank ABN Amro and members of his family, and whether there is more foul play than meets the eye. However, that is nothing compared to what just happened in the tiny, and all too quiet Principality of Lichtenstein, where moments ago the CEO of local financial institution Bank Frick & Co. AG, Juergen Frick, was shot dead in the underground garage of the bank located in the city of Balzers.

Based on preliminary reports, the murder is the result of a disgruntled fund manager, Juergen Germann, who had previously been embroiled in a "bitter dispute" with the government and the bank.

Typical zerohedge reader comments follow.

Frick In Hell!!!
I know...but it was just there...I had to do it ;o)
Am I a bad person ?:O(

All in all, he was just another Frick in the Wall...

And Juergen Hermann...that's a made up name, surely? Like Biggus Dickus or Incontinentia Buttux?

“Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but three times is enemy action.” – Ian Flemming, Creator of James Bond
So what is it called when it has happened 13 times?

Its called a Bankers Dozen!



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DAXTechnician did make an awesome call on "goldmans defending 16,600"

his analysis of the options position was pretty good.

let hope he returns one day.

cya tomorrow everyone.

another day of fun and games.
I have been usurped.

Quote - So it's not "Going Postal" anymore... it's "Going Bankster!"
Its Samirs.

He posts then deletes his posts. And sometimes he re-posts them.

Ah... I was stun, I thought I might have drunk bit more then my normal capacity...

I said to myself posts are walking ...threads are walking... but I got a slap... then I thought it must be normal ...
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