Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Time for a coffee and biscuit

just lultz ;)

Tried to post images of Dax on 4 hour and 15 minutes charts (tried to reply to HTW)but the old PC has decided to make error messages. Was showing Dax going up from my estimated entry then hitting overhead resistance resulting in me thinking the stop below my pin entry is in danger of being broken.....Sodding machine is 6 years old...but will treat myself to an Apple lap top (Wifey has put in for an Ipad -so it's two machines I have to get). Hope you guys had a reasonable day.
A bitty day for me thus far. Brent might be on the move (15min) but no entry point as of yet for me.
""&&%%$$XX""" Computers(n)
:mad: really not with it today.

every time I close one leg of the pair the open side takes a bath - flogged me guts out for 6 points so far
gonna get me some whisky
i cannot take these boring days


i will drink it from the bottle
no glasses needed