Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

uk construction pmi smashed expectations.

the only time pmi been higher was on month in 2007 during credit fuelled boom.

Vote Tory. for a better Britain
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I guess traders already knew that, so its no stimulus and interest rate RISES from here on in.
I cant remember is that good or bad for stocks? :LOL:

think the market has priced in a strong uk recovery, carney has said that unemployment must fall to 7% level before he will consider raising rates. unemployment hitting his level will be a "staging post" for consideration for raising rates.

the strong economy shows how ignorant balls/milliband really are.
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Damm right


it must say something for the British electorate that Labour are leading in the polls.

Ed Balls was the city minister during the time most of the banks in UK went bust. go figure. don't labour have any one else do be shadow chancellor ?

ed balls making his flat lining hand gestures during question time, what will he say now that the UK economy is the fastest growing economy in the developed world ?