Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I don't think we are all presenting this thread in a way designed to keep new valued members.
Some light hearted humour and trading talk always goes down well. :)
Unfortunately, he took any disagreement or questioning as a personal insult which caused his departure. Still a member though, I think, and looks in occasionally although not to post.

No Jon, that isn't true either. It wasn't true of his conduct on these boards and was even less true in person, but I don't think you ever met him. I don't recall that you were part of his trading team either. He always taught to question everything. Those who didn't want to think at all were the problem, not those who asked questions.

We all have our faults - Mark too - but you're way off base. You should let go of whatever attachment you have that makes you slander the man. Its ugly, Jon. You don't miss an opportunity whenever he is mentioned.
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Your lesson for today: pique, not peek
"A state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride"

"to affect with sharp irritation and resentment, especially by some wound to pride"

That isn't an honest characterisation of mr.marcus and the behavior of others leading up to his decision to withdraw his contributions, is it Jon?

Would you like to tell the audience about the abuse and disrespect mr.marcus suffered after teaching his unique and hard won trading knowledge here, for free? And would you like to tell them who was then a moderator, supposedly responsible for keeping a civil environment? And who did not have the backbone to take the appropriate action against those who were misbehaving? Or should I tell them?

Or shall we talk about how the owner at the time, Paul Gould, barely kept an eye on his business and delegated moderation to a "community manager" who was more interested in reinstating the posting privileges of a member who had admitted to obtaining and publishing child pornography on this very site than in making any effort to foster a respectful, civilised discussion forum?

And perhaps certain new embers who have eyes to see might no longer wonder why the quality contributors left. I'd happily discuss all this because you're here to defend yourself, should you wish to.

Slagging Mark off when he isn't here to defend himself, after all he contributed to the members here, is cowardly, gutless, and bull****. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Hi lurker - good to see you again :)

I hardly slagged off mrmarcus in my post did I?

Yes, I was one of the moderators and cleaned any straight attacks on him as well as infracting the offenders. I also had many discussions with him but could not convince him that many of the posts raising questions or disagreement were quite legitimate, well within the guidelines and not the personal attack/insult that he took them to be. That is why he left.

So not ashamed of myself one jot - just sorry that he went, both from a personal view and T2W's.
............... You don't miss an opportunity whenever he is mentioned.............

:) the last time I mentioned him was to draw attention to his talents in some thread talking about top T2W contributors. That's hardly trying to do him down is it?

Anyway this is not the place to continue this - either PM or a different thread I think?


trying Short on ES here at 1662
stop(and possible reverse) at 1663.5

Stopped for -1.5 points, and flipped long as promised

stop at 1658


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Mate, on the sidelines waiting for something positive?

Institutional money is already in since yesterday...

Once something positive happens it will be to late to be a buyer, you will be jumping in with all the rest of the weak money late to the party at higher prices.

Should have been a buyer down at 14726 yesterday, the low of the correction, or at least buying dips that hold above 14775/800 from now.

Just my opinion of course.

As per my post above..