ajaskey's Blog

CHK - Should sell

Down 8% but will hold until it breaks today's low. It finished reasonably strong today so I'll give it a little more room. Probably a mistake.
Sold CHK and UPL

Sold CHK at 30.85. Looking to re-enter at some point.

Sold UPL below yesterday's low at 61.15.

Watching to dump ATEA.

Sold VPHM at 19.75 on Tuesday.
Sold ARD at 28.00 on the gap down on Tuesday.

I've been away from my computer and could post these until today. I'm watching ATEA will get at 19.25 if it hits there again.

Sold at $20 on Thursday. Looks ok but I don't want to take a loss and the volume is nothing on this stock. It may take off again this week but I am guessing the market is ready to correct for a couple weeks now.
Stop in on TS

I put a stop below the recent low near $155. I don't like the up volume of this move being less than the down volume when it started a base a couple months ago.


UPDATE - Barely missed my stop at $154.75 - stop is still there.
Sold TS

I don't like the market and don't like the volume reversal yesterday. Worst case, I made a good profit. Sold at the close for 179.10.

RAIL looks great but I'm watching this closely because I don't trust the market.

Like the stock but don't trust the market for a while. Out on breakdown at $67.
All Cash Now

I expect a sharp correction here and will re-enter when market provides better entries.

[B]Ticker   Date   Price   Cost  Shares  Investment  Return   Gain/Loss   Sold  [/B]Realized   Equity         %Port   Comments
GVHR   10/24/05  24.05  25.72  6,000   154,320.00  -3.97%  (6,120.00)  24.70 148,200.00           0.00   0.00% Carryover - Sold 5Jan06
CFK    12/05/05  11.12  13.89  8,000   111,120.00   7.49%    8,320.00  14.93 119,440.00           0.00   0.00% Carryover - Sold 11Jan06
BTUI   01/10/06  13.65  15.05  3,325    50,041.25  -7.31%  (3,657.50)  13.95  46,383.75           0.00   0.00% Sold 13Jan06
BOOM   12/05/05  31.60  30.02  1,900    57,038.00  17.29%    9,861.00  35.21  66,899.00           0.00   0.00% Carryover - Sold 17Jan06
CHK    01/30/05  30.00  34.35  4,050   139,117.50 -10.19% (14,175.00)  30.85 124,942.50           0.00   0.00% Sold 09Feb06
UPL    01/11/06  52.81  60.42  2,500   151,050.00   1.21%    1,825.00  61.15 152,875.00           0.00   0.00% Sold 09Feb06
ARD    12/05/05  27.85  27.60  5,800   160,080.00   1.45%    2,320.00  28.00 162,400.00           0.00   0.00% Carryover
VPHM   01/19/05  18.87  20.80  7,400   153,920.00  -5.05%  (7,770.00)  19.75 146,150.00           0.00   0.00% Multiple Buys
ATEA   01/19/05  15.34  19.25  5,100    98,175.00   3.90%    3,825.00  20.00 102,000.00           0.00   0.00% Sold 26Feb06
RAIL   01/17/06  63.63  52.43  2,800   146,804.00  27.79%   40,796.00  67.00 187,600.00           0.00   0.00% Sold 06Mar06
TS     01/17/06 174.90 132.16  1,200   158,592.00  35.52%   56,328.00 179.10 214,920.00           0.00   0.00% Sold 07Mar06
CASH                                 1,091,552.50           91,552.50                     1,091,552.50 100.00%                         
                                                                             Equity:     $1,091,552.50                                 
                                                                                        Total Return :   9.16%
Not much to add

The correction came later than I expected but I could not find anything to buy since my last update. Everything had already broken out and was extended. I could have made more holding TS and RAIL but I have no problems getting out a little early and giving up some potential.

Currently, I'm just waiting and watching for bases to form and buying to begin again...
I'm liking this market

Watching PWEI to scale in over $30.

Watching HLF to scale in over $40.

Watching DDE - buy interday down and then back up.
Sold 1/2 PWEI

Sold 1/2 down 8% (stop at 28.10). Holding the rest and will probably live to regret it...