Recent content by sizzler944

  1. S

    How many trades should I make in a demo account before progressing onwards.

    3-4 years everyday. Ignore all commentary. Use simple charting, don't over elaborate. Pay close attention to all central bank and govt actions and statements, to war and natural disasters. Trade one item and don't budge however obvious it looks. Learn to wait for "the moment of the sure thing"...
  2. S

    Where will we go after the Feds cut rates?

    fed rates The fed's decision to drop rates by 50 bpts is an acceptence of higher inflation and a lower USD to re-position the US in the global economy by re-invigorate it's society and economic activity. A service dominated economy is not a long term runner for a country the size of the US...
  3. S

    Cramer Going Off ! - This is GOLD !

    Investors are selling off. The financials don't trust eachother. This is a run on the banks.
  4. S

    Dow 2007

    dear oh dear Lurker. Stop thinking and start observing. All that patterns and formulae can give you is the indicators that the fearful are using and hence the ability to piggy back on the movement they create and their panic when an indicator is breached. There are serious big shakers about...
  5. S

    Markets and mysticysm

    Candlesticks and all Socrates, Barjon, dphoenix et al Today was one to make serious money on the markets. But lately, i've been sitting back after work watching the DOW. For the last few days I've read the candlestick threads and part of from the basement (reminds me of my 2 years meditating...
  6. S

    The Ledger (ex Candlesticks thread)

    Magic Books Socrates I have to agree with Options. This is not a good or sensible game. I strongly suggest the the monitors remove this whole thread. There is always a fool who will believe any nonsense and not see what you're getting at. Alternatively make this game plain.