Recent content by rcbarlow

  1. R

    I'm sitting on the 'Holy Grail' system - How can I fund this?

    If I had a winning system, I would just trade it myself.
  2. R

    The Next US President

    Yes they are. Trump said he would put a stop to it.
  3. R

    Can someon tell where i can find some good trading systems

    Go to Forex Factory. Under Trading systems, an owner is sharing his lifetime trading system as he is retiring. It is free and name is Paradox. Not a bad system at all.
  4. R

    The Next US President

    Only problem is that people in Government do not want him. They know he would put most of them in jail so someone will probably assassinate him before he can take office. I would love to see what he would do.
  5. R

    Forex Training Costs

    The ones that are really making good money are not going to show anyone else for fear it will get out and then stop working. All the others are not making money trading so they want your money.
  6. R

    Forex Training Costs

    I have paid for many many courses, hired professional to tutor me, and purchased many systems from others and every single bit of it was wasted money.
  7. R

    Sick of America...Relocating

    Panama is one of your best choices as of now. They even have a pensionaro program and very low medical costs. Internet is subperb.
  8. R

    No loss and no touch strategy for betonmarket

    Folder is empty and indicator has been removed. Can you please reload?