Recent content by kenmar 1952

  1. K

    Boiler Room Scams

    Never had dealings with this lot. Saying that i am pretty sure that people have called me using different names so could have been these guys. I take "compliance officers" as a dead giveaway that it's a fraud. Never had them with proper companies. I did get to the same stage as you on one...
  2. K

    Boiler rooms and scammers.

    Cold call Network 1 Financial Just had a call from USA at 1900hr UK time. Very aggressive call from a company called Network 1 Financial. He was promoting "Facebook" shares & started off suggesting I start with 500 shares at $75 each, a mere $37500, about £23000, predicting 20% growth in 6...
  3. K

    Boiler Room Scams

    Munroe Securities Anybody heard of this lot? Michael Thorpe phoned me claiming to have worked for them for 5 years and that I could get compensation for my boilerroom shares via a compensation fund set up by SEC. He also gave me info that derestriction was a max fee of $100, not the "per share"...
  4. K

    Boiler Room Scams

    gvandassociates Checked out web addresses on gv is registered in Hongkong 13th May 2013 to 2015, asiaworldcap is registered in Australia 19th July 2013 to 2014. both recent short term registrations which implies to me they are "fly by nights" and are not experienced companies, ie...
  5. K

    Associated Management Group, Zurich/ Clean Coal Technology

    Regrettably pboyles is 100% correct. i get calls regularly and they get more and more sophisticated. The latest is pretending to be a government or even FBI agency. I just posted the other day about the FDIC & Alicia Gomez, thye wanted my passport details as ID verification!! Whatever you do do...
  6. K

    Boiler Room Scams

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Latest scam mimicking a federal department, apparently particularly targeting N Ireland at present. Got a phone call from Alicia Gomez claiming to be a fed agent in FDIC Chicago office involved with the bankrupcy of Goldman Capital Management, and listed a...
  7. K

    Associated Management Group, Zurich/ Clean Coal Technology

    reg s Have a good look at the share certificate. Is there a red print overstamp titled "REGULATION S LEGEND"? If so, & I bet there is, then these are restricted shares and cannot be traded unless the restriction is lifted. I will not try to explain how to do this, there is plenty of info out...
  8. K

    Boiler Room Scams

    Re: Amarok Resources what can I say? Thanks for this whistler_man, don't know how I missed it as I have googled many times in the past month. Maybe because I am in UK I did not get all the US sites, but I am reassured that my sceptism was not wasted. I will pursue this further though I have...
  9. K

    Boiler Room Scams

    Amarok Resources Sorry to change the subject. Anybody heard of Amarok Resources (AMOK), Martin Kaye of Bernstein Whitman & Lloyds, M & A lawyers in NY, or David Wellock of Department of Financial Trading in Washington DC? Kaye phoned me to tell me that AMOK had been taken over to be split up...
  10. K

    Boiler Room Scams

    Linsure Holdings, World wide Financial Haven't been here for a while as the scams do not change. However decided to follow this one. I was phoned, then e mailed, by Susan Richmond in May claiming that a scammer named Mr Cox had died and his estate had been seized to repay his Linsure victims...
  11. K

    American Utilicraft Corporation

    Another approach from a company claiming to be able to get me money for my AMUC shares. Anybody else been approached by P.A.N. SECURITIES LP? I know this will be a scam, the same format every time. Takeover requires 51% of the shares and I am on the list. Failure to take part means once the...
  12. K

    Boiler Room Scams

    Linsure Holdings Wanted to start new forum but couldn't work out how to do it. Just that it is hard to keep track in this one. Here goes anyway. Anyone had an offer for your worthles bits of Linsure paper? Contacted by North Star Reasearch Group, Brussels ( domain...
  13. K

    Boiler Room Scams

    Read post 2200 above and a few others. Tell them you have reported them to Operation Archway, & then do so. They will disappear.
  14. K

    Boiler Room Scams

    I quite agree. The point I was trying to make was that if they can intimidate me( I knew I was right but still spent time to double check, & I had support from this site) then what chance does the weaker guy have, the guy less experienced with scammers, like the WW11 pilot in the article you...
  15. K

    Boiler Room Scams

    Sorry for delay on update. Much to my surprise I have had no further contact with them. After the barrage in that phone call from their legal department, & promise to phone me again for my legal details, I have heard no more. I must say that even though I knew all along that it was a scam...