Recent content by Gold31

  1. G

    Boiler Room Scams

    This is hard to believe especially in view of ALL the warnings but as I have said before only a very limited number of people actually access this website : i was going to suggest that Regulated/Licenced Bankers and LICENCED Stockbrokers should be in the VANGUARD of highlighting and exposing...
  2. G

    Registering Penny Shares

    Ah - PBoyles - if only your messages could be broadcast all over the world in BIG PRINT ! There is plenty of opportunity through the internet to see the amount of SCAM that takes place . The public never before had such facility via newspapers, radio, tv , internet But we want to make it MUCH...
  3. G

    Registering Penny Shares

    Ken - Just checking - is that T D Waterhouse (? Stockbrokers) in Leeds ? One of the 'scammers' who has/had an address in Leeds was operating from and address in Germany & had association or utilised an outfit with an address in Leeds or perhaps another location in Yorkshire or UK . They...
  4. G

    Registering Penny Shares

    Ken , I do not wish to alarm or scare you but I have been chasing 'scammers' for the past ten years and could give you a list of names of individuals and outfits who operated on a global scale flogging 'penny shares' via pseudo high street brokerages/agencies. Tho appearing legit having been...
  5. G

    Boiler Room Scams

    Yes indeed , Droyston : very important to keep updating but how many 'hits' would T2W get of 'the scammed', the 'potential victim' searching for the SCAMMERS ? I have been at this now for nearly ten years hunting down the rogues and it seems to me that it would take a lot of regular...
  6. G

    Boiler Room Scams

    Hey Mr Good - P Boyles knows what he is talking about. Hope not but signs are that you have been SCAMMED . An outfit operating from Spain allegedly 'tied agent' of some pseudo in Germany. A set up of which I would be VERY VERY suspicious . Wish you luck but from experience your situation...
  7. G

    california securities sa

    Mr Cawley - this is quite a collection of fraudsters you have here . Jeffrey Revell Reade (an Australian is under FSA survryalanse for his luxury property purported to have beeb bought with laundered money ' He was of course a huge influence with then LAW FIRM FOX HAYES, Leeds , UK. Has been...
  8. G

    california securities sa

    This T2W seems to be a USELESS site. I have been talking to myself - so it all seems to be a waste of time . Posters viewing & comments on these matters are NIL So how can one have an exchange of info ? ? ? SO the fraudsters carry on their merry dance.
  9. G

    california securities sa

    Sure - and in a banana republic - used by Philip T Powers one of the 'employees' of HANDLER THAYER & DUGGAN Law Firm in Chicago . Powers stated that his employer had NOTHING to do with the SCAM : Handler says he knew nothing about it. Who is the perjurer ? YET Handler Thayer & Duggan took the...
  10. G

    california securities sa

    It it unbelievable that there are no other responses to this issue where one scammer, a British citizen, is in jail for laundering over $60m. He was caught exchanging some of the investors funds for handbags ! In addition another scammer has perjured himself , or his employer has done so to...
  11. G

    california securities sa

    It it unbelievable that there are no other responses to this issue where one scammer, a British citizen, is in jail for laundering over $60m. He was caught exchanging some of the investors funds for handbags ! In addition another scammer has perjured himself , or his employer has done so to...
  12. G

    Boiler Room Scams

    Fair point Anley ! As you know many potential investors are approached with the 'trick' of offer of a 'FREE REPORT' on a share held and being naieve one covets something being offered 'FREE' . Of course the freepost reply includes request for a phone number and that's where the 'FUN' starts ...
  13. G

    Boiler Room Scams

    Vivacook- may be a bit late to reply to your post in October 2009. I also was sold shares by what turned out to be a shady bunch in Frankfurt. They requested me to send the money to lawyer a 'safe escrow' with numerous addresses in Germany. It transpired that she channelled it to Hong Kong -...
  14. G

    Boiler Room Scams

    Javert Afraid I do not follow this - I cannot find an Airthrey or Trendie post on this thread ! But Washington Roberts Management and Mergers & Acquitions regulatory commission Tokyo, Japan have all the signs of a Secondry Scam - just steer clear.
  15. G

    Boiler Room Scams

    Tri Continental Capital Corporation : Thomas Moore Global : PGG : Philip Westlake totalidiot......your post 21/4/2010 It seems that the number viewing T2W is a very small proportion of victims so it would be advisable to seek other victims on The Motley Fool and or other websites who...