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The Legacy of Bill Gates Will Be as a Philanthropist, Not as the Founder of Microsoft

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a philanthropic organization with an aim to provide an overall better lifesyle for underdeveloped countries through the advancement of science and medicine. Microsoft (MSFT) founder Bill Gates was previously known for his charitable contributions, but set the bar even higher with the opening of this foundation in the year 2000. Now that Gates completed his last full work day at Microsoft on June 27, 2008, he is spending more time concentrating on the goals the foundation plans to meet in the near and distant future.

Now we're not talking small grants offered to organizations. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded:

$5,232,203.049 for United States based project grants

$9,480,239,784 for global health grants

$1,724,630,511 for global development grants

Since its inception in the year 2000. Grants are awarded to an amazing array of projects which professors or organizations can apply for to conduct research that will help the greater good of humanity. One that I am particularly interested in is the global health initiative, with major awards going to fight infectious agents such as malaria and acute diarrheal illnesses. This is something that developed countries take for granted. But for nations where the stagnant drinking water is the same source that spreads disease, this is all too common a reality. I was offered a position to work on a Gates foundation project earlier this year and I was quite honored. I eventually took another position because of my expertise and future goals, but the project had an amazing goal for the scientist that decided to make the most of the opportunity.

The 'Give a man a fish' theory is a big part of the what the organization is trying to teach developing countries. Many projects are based on allowing farmers to grow crops that are fit for their environment to produce the maximum amount of food for their communities. This is important, because an astounding fact is that 7% of the earths farming area in China produces more than 50% of the world's food for consumption. By allowing these farmers to feed themselves, they are providing the nutrition needed to build healthy bodies, which will in turn allow them to fight off disease more effectively. The research is very cyclic and keeps feeding back into the community, like all good research should.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the efforts being made by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to make the world a better place. I highly encourage you to visit the foundation website for more information about this heartwarming effort.

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