autopips's Blog


Demark Trendline Break Trading System

I am trading spot forex based on a system which I call as "Demark Trendline Break Trading System". My test results can be found at

I am currently testing on multiple currency pairs to see which one is profitable and consistent over a certain period. So far I have gotten some positive results on the GBP crosses trading this system.

I have automated the system using an Expert Advisor and is currently testing on IBFX and ODL platforms. I am looking to tweak this EA by adding few more filters so that it can be profitable on the long run.

Below is a sneak peak of my GBP/CHF trading results

3,216 pips in December 2007
2,543 pips in January 2008

I hope you will benefit from my postings in the coming future. If you have any questions to ask, please email me or leave me a message.
Excellent 787 pips today!

today i took few positions in market at the trendline break

short gbp/chf @ 2.1424
tp @ 2.1261, 2.1284, 2.1284 and 2.1323.
total of 544 pips for the day.

short gbp/jpy @ 208.71
tp @ 207.85, 208.00, 208.15, 208.41
total of 243 pips today.
GBP/CHF +957 Pips in 2 Trades in February

2 trades were opened trading the ODL platform for February so far. Once trade is executed, 4 positions will be opened at the same time.

My first trade yielded 165 pips.

The second trade yielded 792 pips!

I am loving GBP/CHF so far trading on TD Trendline breaks.

I will post screenshots of this trade on my blog soon...
+360 Pips Today Selling GBP/CHF

Great Pips today. +360 pips selling GBP/CHF today. Check out the screenshots at my blog...
Interbankfx Trade Results +1,400 Pips to Date

Hi guys

I just posted my Interbankfx result trades on my blog. I hope you enjoy reading it. It's up about 1,400 pips for the year.
March Updates Demark Expert Advisor

Hi guys

I have just posted some results of March trading results.

Do feel free to drop by.

6,241 Pips from November 2007 to April 2008

I have updated my ODL Trade Results From 27 November 2007 to 15 April 2008
6,500 Pips from November 2007 to May 2008

Demark EA results from November 07 to May 08 on ODL platform updates just posted! Been very consistent so far.