FX rebates in the UK.


Active member
As you will see on the advertising banner at the top of this page, Pretium Securities has launched an FX rebate of up to $20 per million traded.
The rebate is paid into the client account at the end or each month and is available for withdrawl immediately. Some brokers rebate as trading credit, this is different.

Would really appreciate some feedback (I work at Pretium) from FX traders.

Duh, the banner changes.

But apart from that, if we are making money we can't be bothered switching brokers for such a tiny amount and if we're losing money that will hardly turn us into winners.

So my feedback is that it is pointless!
Duh, turning down a trading incentive that offers free money is really bright. Glad you are doing well enough to dismiss it.
Or maybe i could pay for your system which is so successful for you that you need to generate revenue by selling it?
Two brainless comments.

If a trader has the attitude that he needs to inconvenience himself to make a tiny amount of money, he will never be successful.

If a businessman turns down the opportunity to make worthwhile extra money by doing something he enjoys, he is a poor businessman.

Judging by the response you've had here and the fact that you have to make stupid remarks to me rather proves my point - your offer is pointless and shows that you don't understand traders.

I don't need to generate extra income but I support a community of over 1,000 traders from within my Members Area who certainly won't be going anywhere near your company and it's small brained staff.