Kirk Kerkorian


Active member
Is this guy out of his mind? He keeps buying GM stock and it falls every day every week. He probably lost billions and billions of dollars and he still keeps buying it.

Why is he doing that? Maybe some kind of tax advantage?
Isn't he over 90 or sthg.

Must be some sort of revenge trading or lack of reality, trying to make his facts fit his myths.

Temporary bouts of insanity and irrational stubbornness in the face of adverse reality can hit all of us.

Remember Niederhofer.
Guys this boy is a jerk, My opinion of course.


Starts new thread every time, asks a question to stimulate a conversation then disappears and never closes it.

Also, never joins in any conversation, even the ones he started.

He never returns or comments on any of his newly started threads.

His questions are wide and erratic, too much so that he doesn't even know what he's asking half the time, just simply what he's read.

You'll also find this guy copying and pasting his own questions under different names from different sites:

Here's the one's I know of.

Check out:

misterno from Elite Trader
Forums - Is Kirk Kerkorian Crazy?


godoftrading from money
Kirk Kerkorian - MoneyTec Traders Community Forum

I'm sure there are plenty more from this ejit.

He should take a lesson from Chopper.

Also check out: All his other profiles on numerous sites.

FX Instructor Forums - View Profile: godoftrading

godoftrading - Viewing Profile

Forex Trading | MetaTrader Indicators and Expert Advisors - View Profile: godoftrading

GlobalGoldTalk Money Making Forum - View Profile: godoftrading

Stock Hideout - View Profile: godoftrading

Profile: godoftrading - Forex Forum - View Profile: godoftrading - Your Space for Futures Market Information

Other Discussion - Alpari (UK)'s Forex and CFDs Forum

and this list goes on and on, by no way exhausted, this guy is inhuman and if is real and not a computer then THE most saddest guy around. Surfs forums all day just to copy and paste and stimulate others into conversation about pointless irrelevant topics.

Hey, sounds like an internet troll to me.
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Don't you think you are being a bit harsh ? It looks like he was vindicated from the link that you posted, although it does seem a large number of forums to belong to.

Don't you think you are being a bit harsh ? It looks like he was vindicated from the link that you posted, although it does seem a large number of forums to belong to.



I dont think I'm being harsh at all.

Nor am I trying to create division or controversial comments. This is purely my own opinion.

Does this guy trade or not.

I sometimes spend too much time on this forum, any one that can spend all that time going from site to site (and there are more than I listed) copying and pasting and writting and re-writting posts day in day out obviously does not have any time to study the markets let alone trade.

His converstaions are wide and obscure, this guy shows no meaning of what he speaks of, just throws out a question that is of no importance to him or his trading, nor to any one else it would also seem.

The link I posted he was vindicated at that time, I appologised as I could have jumped the gun too soon, very possible, but in the end, his true colours came out to show.

There are many people on here that ask genuine questions everyday, some get unanswered, when I see his questions being fed, I wonder how many others have come and gone and not been replied to.

Bit harsh...maybe Graham, maybe he just grates on my nerves? maybe I just need someone to hate? maybe he's here to annoy me? who knows? Sometimes we just dont like people for what ever reason, maybe just the signals they give out. This guy gives the signal to me that he dont trade and just flitters from many, many internet forums looking to stimulate conversation.

Maybe he's a school boy who is lonely and gets bullied and the internet is his home?

I dont know, all I know is that from all the genuine people I meet on the net (and they could be anybody), this guy seems the least genuine.

fcuk me, even spanish89 was at least genuine to many points.

I'll leave the rest up to you.
lee, you know the site rules - no foul and abusive language - please don't use the "S" word again.
just thinking about that wee shyte makes my blood boil !

lee, you know the site rules - no foul and abusive language - please don't use the "S" word again.
just thinking about that wee shyte makes my blood boil !


My apologies,

It's just I've been reading some posts on elite trader written by s*****89.

I'll try not to mention it again.:)
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