Free IT!


Hi guys,

I'm a developer with about 25 years development experience in ibanks, mostly supporting the front office. I'm between jobs at the moment and given the state of the market, I don't expect to get another job for 6-12 months.

I'm completely bored and am looking for something to do for free! (y)

Is there anyone out there looking for some free IT help, the technology will have to use Excel as the front end, involve intensive calculations (so I get to play with using the GPU for parallel processing), possibly real time (use of Excel RTD) and shouldn't be more than 1-2 months worth of work.

At the end of it, I will publish a paper on my experience, I will be vague on the exact nature of any analytics, I am only interested in the technology architecture used.

I am not a quant so any heavy duty pricing calculations or models will have to be supplied.