Can anyone good enough to tell me the requirement for a trade job in Wall Street?


I have heard a post which said if one can earn 20% per year ,and the max draw down is less than 15%, and this last 3 years, then he is sure to find a job in Wall Street. If one can be in this level ,then he can himself go and try to find a job from a recruitment website. And he said if he can do this ,no matter how small your capital are.

If this is true, i will try to limit the max draw down and take less risk. And of course i can earn less.

If this is false, i will try to take more risk for(*2 or *3) for a greater benefit

I wonder whether the post above is true or not. I wonder what's the requirement of a trade job in Wall Street. Can anyone know something good enough to tell me. Thank for your attention.
I have heard a post which said if one can earn 20% per year ,and the max draw down is less than 15%, and this last 3 years, then he is sure to find a job in Wall Street. If one can be in this level ,then he can himself go and try to find a job from a recruitment website. And he said if he can do this ,no matter how small your capital are.

If this is true, i will try to limit the max draw down and take less risk. And of course i can earn less.

If this is false, i will try to take more risk for(*2 or *3) for a greater benefit

I wonder whether the post above is true or not. I wonder what's the requirement of a trade job in Wall Street. Can anyone know something good enough to tell me. Thank for your attention.

"Can anyone good enough to tell me the requirement for a trade job in Wall Street?"
Decent english for starters.
I have heard a post which said if one can earn 20% per year ,and the max draw down is less than 15%, and this last 3 years, then he is sure to find a job in Wall Street. .

Why don't you go ahead and do that and come back in 3 years. I'm sure we could help then.
"Can anyone good enough to tell me the requirement for a trade job in Wall Street?"
Decent english for starters.

I think his English is decent. There are many traders and quants in Wall Street that speak and write terrible English. Also, I find you remark racist and uncalled for. The OP had a reasonable question and used reasonable language, grammar and syntax, better than some Brits and Americans I know. I think you should apologize to the person for being abrasive for no reason. This apology will help you to become better person and respect others. If you do not respect others, you eventually will not respect yourself and you may enter in a path of self distraction. Be nice to people.
The OP had a reasonable question

if you think these are reasonable questions....

"I wonder whether the post above is true or not. I wonder what's the requirement of a trade job in Wall Street. Can anyone know something good enough to tell me. Thank for your attention."

..then you have been spending far too much time in those 'dam coffee shops. he/she can google the answer quicker than they can post the question on here, hence my terse 'quip'.

"Also, I find you remark racist and uncalled for"

you're f joking right? if bizarrely you are not joking, please pm me i will provide you with my full name (i will of course need yours also) and you can report me to my local police station for being racist. and at the same time i wont have to report you to the police for being an utter tw*t cos you will be doing that yourself.

i will happily spend time helping newbies out (and have done so on many occasions) if they show even a smidgen of interest & aptitude by doing a little bit of work themselves. in this case he/she clearly has not - get it? but you want me to waste my time answering it? why don't you google it then & respond....oh but you're clearly too busy policing the internet for non-racist racist comments.

p.s. stop smoking dope.

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