For Arabian and any other bored traders...Snatch Wars...


Black Swan

Turn the sound up so you don't miss any of the dialogue...warning contains frequent use of the C*** word so no kids and no shared office environment..other than trader offices...they dont give a **** 'cos they're all a bunch of *****..:D

Black Swan,
I almost died, I have never laughed so hard in my life.
Thanks for that, it's brilliant !!
My mate Will made that !

He went to London film school and is now a director for Sky News in Sdyney .... when he stuck it on youtube he was only expecting a few hundred hits .... now 2.6 million ...

Ok, I admit (to nick a phrase from Viz ) .... a 'lame to fame' .....
I'm an avid fan of Snaatch (& LS&2SB)

my mate is over for a few days so today we have been delighting the ladies of Bangkok with non-stop commentary and quotes from Snatch :rolleyes:

nah fack off and put the kettle on you kant :devilish:
Turn the sound up so you don't miss any of the dialogue...warning contains frequent use of the C*** word so no kids and no shared office environment..other than trader offices...they dont give a **** 'cos they're all a bunch of *****..:D

:LOL:...."...I'll cut his f*ckin Jackobs off..."

Tears in my eyes mate, nice one.