Archbishop Willianson.


Legendary member
This guy Williamson really pisses me off, as I am sure that it does to many Christians. He is a perfect example of why there is a growing disbelief in our spiritual values and, consequently, our moral ones.

How can he believe in God, which is faith--- when he has no tangible evidence, only what he has been taught by humans, some of whom are more stupid than he is--- when he cannot believe in a fact which anyone, who lived through WWII and was brought up in Europe, knows happened?

When I was 13 the war ended and, the government made all cinemas show the audiences films of the horrors that took place. Frankly, I used to leave my seat and go to the gents between films, so that I did not see them. They were ghastly, then, because we had not been brutalised by the media as we have been today.

This man is a fool who does not accept the evidence before his eyes and a perfect example of the kind of teacher, actually promoted to archbishop by his church, to help us believe in a Hereafter.

I can't forgive him for the damage that he has done but it, also, makes me wonder about the motives of his superiors.
