Big Protests Tomorrow? Over 10K?


Senior member
Protests Already?

How many do you think will show up tomorrow (10K=, I bet!)

Do you think they should just accept the election or wait to see if his policies are what they fear?

Who did you vote for?

Don't shout "the sky is falling" until it actually does. Let them wallow in their misery and ignorance. The protests will be for naught. The election is done.

Ironically, the Trump supporters are not the ones causing trouble. They were pretty much silent before the election and they are pretty much silent now. That's why everyone was so shocked about him winning. 2 million out 136 million votes is a 1.47% margin of victory in the popular vote. Hardly a landslide margin.

Did Romney supporters riot in the streets when Obama ran? Dealing with unfavorable events is just called life. I thought most people had learned this in their prepubescence.

Arguers of majority are also amusing in their reasoning. Neither Clinton nor Trump received a majority. Trump received a majority in 39 states. If it were an amendment, it would have been ratified. Only 3/4 of the states need to ratify an amendment (the strongest of any law in the country, not even the supreme court can overturn them).

The 2 million voter surplus came from California, that is all. Another irony is that California was solid red until 1988. It is possible there will be a knee-jerk reaction there, just like there has been in this country many times before very recently.