Why Talk So Much?


Experienced member
We would all agree that the markets are very individual, so why do we feel the need to 'group' together and exchange 'views' so sociably? Is this because of mammal insecurity or mammal dominance or both. Maybe humans have got this far because of nurtured knowledge? 35000 members tells you something about us? Were not that unsociable, are we? Course not, arguements on this site, dont bother, its in your nature to help? you can't help it! If you know you will tell, it makes you feel good! The 'big boys' as opposed to small boys, 'mug money' as opposed to smart? Its just ratios, thats all. And in the end its all Darwinian!
Some people say that rats are probably the most successful mammals around today, maybe? But have rats landed on the moon? Have rats grasped the knowledge of medical science? In the future will our relatives say " just think? they had to die in them days"
What i am trying to say is this: Argument is a form of evolution, one side will be favoured overall, this is the dominance factor( right or wrong). It will happen, you can not avoid it, it all depends on wich side of the fence you take, and that my friends is already decided for you, you can not avoid or side step it! Goodluck!
The sad fact most trades are 80% correct on entry. but they let the trade get out of hand they per se the market go in they favour some 20 points. they get all relaxed then suddenly the market breaks.

now they only 10 points in profit. they get angry with them selfs for not taking 20 ticks at the time. then the market comes back to they entry, they get even more angry with them selfs,say ha the market will go back up. but 15 mins later they are now 10 points down. THEN THEY DECIDE TO TURN A QUICK TRADE, IN TO A POSITION TRADE/ This is how most loss at this game

Also lets say you got a target in mind of 50 points, the market was going in they favour, wow i up 45 points, just anther 5 point to my target, but the target never got hit, they will watch it go all the way back to they entry, sad but true.

Sun123, i would say, IMHO, that due to instinct, EXIT, is a bigger problem than ENTRY! Bed TIME for me now, see you later!