Scammiest scammer award



Who takes the title, lets compile a top 10, make that 100, although a 1000 would be easy enough:whistling
well lets start with t2w themselves, dont underestimate their role in all of this nonsense.
My current favourite is Terry Troakes of Sky Hamilton/Learn Express/Alexander Hunt etc. He'll get you lined up for a big job so long as you pay for his training course first. He seems to be able to do all this whilst permanently hungover, at least according to his own twitter posts.
My current favourite is Terry Troakes of Sky Hamilton/Learn Express/Alexander Hunt etc. He'll get you lined up for a big job so long as you pay for his training course first. He seems to be able to do all this whilst permanently hungover, at least according to his own twitter posts.

Well that gives him a bit of credibility in my book :LOL:

FXCM for not compensating non US clients for their abusive slippage practices. They were fined $20 million in the US but escaped punishment elsewhere so far.

That should get this deleted.
There are an awful lot of scammers in this business. In general, the only things worth paying for are a good platform, decent hardware, and certain books (not many mind you, most are a waste of trees).
Well all the other threads have been deleted it seems. Must be something going on behind the scenes.