Major market moving events


Active member
I'm curious to see how various currency pairs moved intra-day following significant market events.

There's this really fascinating post over on babypips showing how the 6 Oct 2016 flash crash in GBPUSD unfolded.

I wondered if any of you could point to tight timeframe charts of other significant market moving events across any currency pair?

A few examples in the front of my mind:

1. The CHF flash crash of 2015 - all I can find which is at all insightful is this post from FXCM

2. 11 Mar 2011 when the Japan earthquake triggered a tsunami. Was it just the JPY pairs impacted and how?

3. 6 May 2010 when the US markets lost a trillion dollars over a 36-minute period following a series of "spoof" trades. How did the various currency pairs react?

4. 29 Sep 2008 when the banks almost busted the global economy. Again how did different FX pairs react?