What should I trade?


Junior member
Hey guys I'm currently 5 months into trading Brent Crude spreads on the ICE exchange and I'm more than covering desk fees at the prop house i work for. The market is pretty dead at the moment and i'm thinking of trading another product most likely through a spread betting firm so I don't have to upgrade my desk fee package.

I've only been trained trading fly, box and condor strategies and have no idea how to trade other products or outrights and I don't know much about tech analysis either! as i only use supports, resistances and market profile for trading brent spreads.

I would like to find a product I can hold and jus keep it at the back of my mind so i don't get too distracted. (and they've obviously banned poker platforms!)

I was thinking spread betting the brent outright on a mini size account but i think its far too volatile. Any ideas?