Best Signal Services



I have been trading for about a month on my own. Can anyone tell me some of the best signal services for the forex market. I am researching those that provide intraday and end of day signals. Thanks for any recommendations.

Hey there Cal, why won't you give a try to something that proven to work well. instead of researching for signal services that you should be attached to your computer 24/7 to be able to access on time.
Forget signal services,Managed accounts
You will not gain anything from any of them
Specially ones offering 100% returns in 2 month!

And you do not have to be attached to your computer 24 /7 either.I only trade mornings and make a good living.
Read Newtron Bomb's and Trader Dante's thread to get you started
Learn to trade yourself!
Gamma, do you understand what I wrote? who the hell is offering 100% in 2 months?

Thats our RECORD so far. not what I'm offering! damn people don't read well this days.

and to trade signals from signal provider he should be around 24/7 if he want to catch the signals, if you trade on your own ofcurse you can only trade mornings or nights etc etc...
Gamma, do you understand what I wrote? who the hell is offering 100% in 2 months?

Thats our RECORD so far. not what I'm offering! damn people don't read well this days.

and to trade signals from signal provider he should be around 24/7 if he want to catch the signals, if you trade on your own ofcurse you can only trade mornings or nights etc etc...

Listen you clown !!
Nowhere in my Post is your name mentioned.

people don't read well this days

I could'nt agree more.

and to trade signals from signal provider he should be around 24/7 if he want to catch the signals

In the 21st century signal providers use SMS.

if you trade on your own ofcurse you can only trade mornings or nights etc etc...
A good trader only needs to trade a short period of time, perhaps you should take alook at Danarm's thread.
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