The Famous Edge


Well-known member
Not a U2 thread, but rather it is constantly mentioned in trading that to win you need an edge. So how is an "edge" defined? Probably something that gives you an advantage over other traders. But if you don't have access to priviliged information that other people don't have then what is your edge?

For me personally I would say that my edge is my record keeping. I have a record in figures and on screenshots of charts of almost every trade I have ever placed. It is very useful to go back and review my trades and to see my decision making process and what I would do differently with the same trade again.

So how would you define an edge and what is yours?
Thanks wasp, a faster reply it probably isn't easier to get. Next time I will do a search to see what other threads exist. I guess it's not rocket science to think that this has been discussed before.