Dax Stocks


Hi All out there,

I'm pretty new to all this. I have many questions and many have been answered on the forums here. So far i have been mainly SB. I find these forums a great source of information and learning.
I've been looking at the various indices and major stocks and I have a couple of further questions:

1. Firstly, and this probably shows i am new to this and my lack of knowledge. I've been watching individual stocks in the DOW, FTSE and the DAX. One thing i have noticed in recent weeks is the huge point surges (either way) of many of the DAX stocks - usually hundreds of points. Examples here include Volkswagen and Allianz. Something that you rarely see in the DOW and esp FTSE stocks. I'm sure there are simple explanations to this but any information here would be great on why this occurs for particular stocks. I'm really emphasising the large point shifts in these stocks and why they occur for some and not others (apart from a stock is just doing well - or is that just it?).
Anyone know where i can get stock news (esp, daily and breaking news) for companies like VW? I'm sure that would be very useful for anyone SB! English versions of German web sites would probably be the best. I've scoured but so far without any luck.

2. where can i get online general daily information on the German DAX? Any web sites that give daily and breaking news? Again English versions of German web sites would probably be the best.

Any information would be great.
hamatrader said:
Hi All out there,

I'm pretty new to all this. I have many questions and many have been answered on the forums here. So far i have been mainly SB. I find these forums a great source of information and learning.
I've been looking at the various indices and major stocks and I have a couple of further questions:

1. Firstly, and this probably shows i am new to this and my lack of knowledge. I've been watching individual stocks in the DOW, FTSE and the DAX. One thing i have noticed in recent weeks is the huge point surges (either way) of many of the DAX stocks - usually hundreds of points. Examples here include Volkswagen and Allianz. Something that you rarely see in the DOW and esp FTSE stocks. I'm sure there are simple explanations to this but any information here would be great on why this occurs for particular stocks. I'm really emphasising the large point shifts in these stocks and why they occur for some and not others (apart from a stock is just doing well - or is that just it?).
Anyone know where i can get stock news (esp, daily and breaking news) for companies like VW? I'm sure that would be very useful for anyone SB! English versions of German web sites would probably be the best. I've scoured but so far without any luck.

2. where can i get online general daily information on the German DAX? Any web sites that give daily and breaking news? Again English versions of German web sites would probably be the best.

Any information would be great.

Hello Hamatrader,

I can't tell you much about stocks as I trade futures. I don't follow stocks, because it's my feeling that individual companies can be affected than more 'external factors' than I can account for. Suppose something happens to the CFO... For indices the news is usually announced at specific times so I can either get out of my trade or move my stops closer without getting burnt in the process.

As far as Volkswagen concerned, there has been some talks about Porsche increasing it's share and lay-offs...

As for the second part of your question, I use http://forexfactory.com/calendar.php to see when important economic figures are released. German events are on the list. Keep in mind though that the tech-driven DAX is dependent on US figures more than other European indices.

Also, if you are interested in DAX, you might want to check out some of the DAX threads in the European indices forum. Currently, most popular ones are:


Thanks fw,

yes heard about the information regarding VW over the weekend and today/ I suppose it makes sense with the recent positive corpporate reults coming out and takeover/meger talks from Porsche and other parties. Mind you the surge in VW stocks has been going on for around a year now. And a Bloomberg analyst did ask how high can the stock go?
I have tended to trade the indices as well but being new in all this i wanted try out other avenues. And yes it does seem to be risky business as you don't have all the necessary info available at hand for an individual stock.
I suppose the temptation is there with individual DAX stocks since some of them do tend to move hundreds of points at a time to make some bucks .......but......... very risky. It's this lack of huge points move that you hardly see in the FTSE stock..........WHY?

What particular futures do you tend to trade and why?..........more knowledge gain would be great.
Thanks for the links.

firewalker99 said:
Hello Hamatrader,

I can't tell you much about stocks as I trade futures. I don't follow stocks, because it's my feeling that individual companies can be affected than more 'external factors' than I can account for. Suppose something happens to the CFO... For indices the news is usually announced at specific times so I can either get out of my trade or move my stops closer without getting burnt in the process.

As far as Volkswagen concerned, there has been some talks about Porsche increasing it's share and lay-offs...

As for the second part of your question, I use http://forexfactory.com/calendar.php to see when important economic figures are released. German events are on the list. Keep in mind though that the tech-driven DAX is dependent on US figures more than other European indices.

Also, if you are interested in DAX, you might want to check out some of the DAX threads in the European indices forum. Currently, most popular ones are:


hamatrader said:
Thanks fw,

yes heard about the information regarding VW over the weekend and today/ I suppose it makes sense with the recent positive corpporate reults coming out and takeover/meger talks from Porsche and other parties. Mind you the surge in VW stocks has been going on for around a year now. And a Bloomberg analyst did ask how high can the stock go?
I have tended to trade the indices as well but being new in all this i wanted try out other avenues. And yes it does seem to be risky business as you don't have all the necessary info available at hand for an individual stock.
I suppose the temptation is there with individual DAX stocks since some of them do tend to move hundreds of points at a time to make some bucks .......but......... very risky. It's this lack of huge points move that you hardly see in the FTSE stock..........WHY?

What particular futures do you tend to trade and why?..........more knowledge gain would be great.
Thanks for the links.

Trading futures is usually more risky than stocks though. I've had a look at trading FTSE, but found it's not really my thing, also I prefer DAX because it is open for 14 straight hours, the only index I know off that can be traded the whole day.

I also trade CAC40 next to DAX and in US session, I tend to look at DOW.

In the DAX thread you can find charts (although it's been pretty quiet lately) but also check your private messages, I dropped you a note on trading DAX futures.