carbon credits


Having purchased gCERs from Alternative Markets on promise of sale at £11.45 per ton I now find that both they and Carbonex are in liquidation. I am sure others have the same problem and am seeking advice on what can realistically be done to recover some of the outlay
Hi rob,
Welcome to T2W.

Is 'Alternative Markets' the name of the firm you invested in/with - or are you referring to the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) which is a sub-market of the London Stock Exchange? If it's the former, a quick Google search suggests you're probably the victim of a scam: 360 Invest Group and Alternative Markets

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I fear you'll not see any of your money again. Whatever you do, don't fall for 'the oldest trick in the book' like Andy did (see link) and throw good money after bad. Look upon this as a nasty lesson learnt and, in the future, follow the advice offered in this FAQ: How Can I Distinguish Between Scams and Reputable Vendors?
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Some of my fellows were scammed too there. That's why I prefer forex to stocks or commodity CFD because of possible liquidity problems there.