Help required - Getting into trading

tony bones 2

I'm currently working within a role in finance since my degree graudation but within the construction industry at a pretty high level.

Over the last year or so I’ve decided enough is enough and before I have any commitments i.e. kids etc, it is time to pursuit a career within an industry I have a real interest in which is Investment. In preparation for my career change I have recently studied for an Investment related qualification which I have now passed, and at the same time giving me a little insight it a number of roles within Investment. On this information, I’ve obviously looked at advertised jobs etc. I have recently been invited to a couple of Graduate Trader courses with Futex and Schenider which I'm very excited about but I just wondered if anyone had any further comment on them ?

From what I can gather both run similar programmes which I interoperate to me 3 months training, and then after the that if your any good or show real potential you get offered a position i.e. this correct ?
Also money is not my attraction to this position, if this was the care I would stay where I am at the moment but can any one indicate how much a person is likely to earn within early stages in Trader career? Little money wouldn’t put me off, I just would like some indication which I’m sure you can understand as I have a number of financial commitments I would have to support somehow whilst also living in London? (I currently live 200 miles from London so the commuting is not poss!)

Your help is greatly appreciated!
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I saw an advert once, which say there going to hire you, if you take the £6,000 FX training course they have. I think it's a PROP firm, I saw the advert on the metro.

It's like 3 or 4 months training course, i'm there thinking i can buy a couple of books and some Ebay DVD courses, ask questions on the trade2win forum and use 1/12 of that money and start trading. That would be a better use of my money.

Did they mention you have to pay for training?
No nothing.
Futex were quite open about the fact others do pay for training, however this, as advertised on efinancial jobs, was a grad course, so payment was not required. Just they paid for you and if you turn out to be good they'd offer you permanant posistion?? Obviously both said you would not be paid during this training, which you'd expect, infact Futex said they pay you £500 per month for the first 3 months.
The automatic trading software, which is also known as algorithmic trading, is the typical choice of most day traders in executing orders that eventually generate profit from the stock market. It is a program that entails tools for quick analysis of what is happening in the market so even a little fluctuation can be determined. It is also a significant tool for trader who wants an active career in the stock market. The use of it is similar to the electronic exchanges that are generally working in today's stock market. The stock market is comprised of a network that is connected to many computers to match the buyer with the sellers. It is a stock trading system that provides you the multi-functional and home-based stock market trading with your desktop. Through the software, you could be able to discover the real time scenario in the marketplace by routing the possible good buyers and sellers. It will lead you the way in making intensive screening of the condition of the stocks and the present Australian stock market prices. There are various types of trading softwares available online that drastically gave a notable impact to the stock trading market. You just need to find the particular software that will best suit your needs.

I believe that having a reliable market trading system will help you win most of your trade. Any automated trading software won't send you fortune everyday but it can help you to frequently generate profit for a long term. If you are trying to get one, the best start is to find software that will let you modify your knowledge as the market grows. Some packages permit you to put up a system according to your specified criterion. The software will make trades depending on what you have done in the system automatically. If you opt to acquire this software, just make sure that it will allow you to back test the strategies you have put into it to give you insights of its being efficient.