Who is Responsible / Liable?

I'm not looking for a religious verdict. I'm just looking for the technical explanation so then I can explain that process to someone who is religiously qualified to make a decision.

This is why I want to know about liability and responsibility of the shares/stocks straight after buying or selling.

Overall, an interesting question of reconciling religious edicts and morality onto trading.

There must be several Sharia compliant (I am assuming sharia, as Jetheat hasn't confirmed, has he?) banks and financial institutions who have already gone through this reconciliation process, and have extra rules in place to ensure the trader stays within ethical guidelines.
They might have a department that seeks to educate and explain how people can trade whilst adhering to religious rules.
In fact, it might be worth you interviewing them, and writing an article for T2W, to enlighten us all, as well as having your own questions answered.

Good luck: an interesting question,