
Junior member
Heah Fellow Traders,

Tell me... Has anyone heard of Gary Anderson. You know I can't help noticing that the format used by these guys selling Spreadbetting workbooks/seminars is all the same. Claims of GBP 500 a day is the eye catching sales pitch followed by a brief intro, and a few testimonials. Before anything else is revealed one has to provide their email address essentially signing up for more info.

Now I am no pessimist. HOWEVER there is a pattern or Trend here that we have all seen before in charts and seems to be mirrored in the world of Spreadbetting publications.

Anyway enough waffle, all I wanted to know is if anyone has heard of Gary Anderson the author of this material.

Cheer guys

hi adester,
i have heard of gary anderson but i have to admit, i cannot verify if what he says or whether any metyhods used can make 500 pounds per day! All i will say is that returns like that is very difficult trading the UK shares or the FTSE because of the low volatility in the UK markets! One thing i would say is that itt is more likely to earn this if trading the US markets! I dont believe there are any spreadbetting firms in the US but I believe you can trade them thorugh firms here in the UK, but it's anyones guess what the spreads are for them!
Hello. I am new to trading and my work colleague has heard of Gary Anderson but didn’t do too well. He thinks spreads are too large for it to be profitable. He used to day trade but is now looking to switch away from that! I am learning from my friend but he is still looking for a strategy which will work consistently well. Has anyone have any good ideas?
vshah1974 said:
hi adester,
i have heard of gary anderson but i have to admit, i cannot verify if what he says or whether any metyhods used can make 500 pounds per day! All i will say is that returns like that is very difficult trading the UK shares or the FTSE because of the low volatility in the UK markets! One thing i would say is that itt is more likely to earn this if trading the US markets! I dont believe there are any spreadbetting firms in the US but I believe you can trade them thorugh firms here in the UK, but it's anyones guess what the spreads are for them!

You can trade US shares with CMC ( deal4free). The spread is 5 points for almost all DJ30 and NDQ100.
In my opinion, anyone who daytrades stocks / index futures via spreadbetting will need to be very good to show anykind of overall profit. It's hard for experienced traders to show regular profits and this is when they trade directly to the market.

What the snake oil salesmen provide is a product which highlights how powerful the market 'can' be. This is why they continue to sell their products. There are no 'spread betting secrets' - I would suggest that there is nothing in those books which isnt available on this site.

Forget share and the FTSE. There's not enough movement regularly.

If you want to make money spreadbetting, get into the Forex market.
1.9 trillion turnover per day, with currencies regularly moving 100 + pts per day, so you don't need to worry about the 3/4 pt spread.

BUT: You still need a good trading strategy............!!!!! - Good luck
could I just ask if anyone has been to a Vincent Stanzione spread-betting seminar? He says that he had made millions , just by spreadbetting, and he can teach anybody to do the same. I checked his site: , and I don't know what to believe.
kim077 said:
could I just ask if anyone has been to a Vincent Stanzione spread-betting seminar? He says that he had made millions , just by spreadbetting, and he can teach anybody to do the same. I checked his site: , and I don't know what to believe.

Type Vince Stanzione into the search drop down at the top of this page and you'll be presented with loads of stuff on VS.

Read (some of) that and draw your own conclusions
jimmy1jag said:
Type Vince Stanzione into the search drop down at the top of this page and you'll be presented with loads of stuff on VS.

Read (some of) that and draw your own conclusions

thank you jimmy
Heah Fellow Traders,

Tell me... Has anyone heard of Gary Anderson. You know I can't help noticing that the format used by these guys selling Spreadbetting workbooks/seminars is all the same. Claims of GBP 500 a day is the eye catching sales pitch followed by a brief intro, and a few testimonials. Before anything else is revealed one has to provide their email address essentially signing up for more info.

Now I am no pessimist. HOWEVER there is a pattern or Trend here that we have all seen before in charts and seems to be mirrored in the world of Spreadbetting publications.

Anyway enough waffle, all I wanted to know is if anyone has heard of Gary Anderson the author of this material.

Cheer guys


Hi guys
This guy is a fraud.
I asked him proof of his claims and as expected.....he ran
Do feel free to ask me for proof
If everybody went with him...then all / everybody would be millionares.

Do ask him for proof.....he will run
Take care
A very good rule of thumb when it comes to buying trading courses is stay well away from anyone who mentions the word 'secret'.

There are NO secrets and the majority of these marketers are prying on the unsophisticated who think that buying a simple course can instantly make them compete with the pros in the market who've been battle hardened over many years.
Thanks anley
as always ...sensible reply

Tipsters, whether financials or horse racing, make money by selling tips but not investing in them.

I asked Gary Anderson a direct question.if he could prove that he practiced what he preached ..and as expected ....he became abusive(nearly....proof available)...but he refused flatly the proof.