Options analysis software and trading platforms


I'm currently trying out ThinkOrSwim and wondering what people think of it, and if people have recommendations for more sophisticated options analysis and trading software. Any help is appreciated.
I have tried a few, tried to write my own, and TOS is the best for the retail market right now.
I've tried OptionsExpress and ThinkorSwim... both are good but I think ThinkorSwim has a few more features and a few more interesting bells and whistles..
Hello everyone im new to this forum. I recently started trading through an online broker (hoodless brennan) that charges a fixed commission rate of 8 pound. I am looking to download a trading platform and was wondering which one is the best one to get
I agree with nexttothemoon, both optionsxpress and thinkorswin are great. Both have great charting tools, but I chose thinkorswim because you can download the trading platform and because of this, It has more features and other interesting tools.

optionxpress charges $9.95 and thinkorswim $5 per transaction. Both have demo versions and I would advise you to try both and take your decision based on your preferences.