Opening an Account - LONG process


Evening All,

Having spent my entire sunday, since about 9am, reading through literally all the articles, maybe not all the pages though, but at least the majority of relevant threads, i have decided to open an ig index account. Now i filled it in as honestly as i could and they said that they couldn't automatically give me an account but they would contact me once they have reviewed my application. This is fine as i assume it is in my interest and as long as it is done soon all is well. HOWEVER it seems that GFT UK are also quite a good company although not too much about them on here compared to other SB's. Either way i decided that it would be a good idea to have two SB accounts open (advice taken from threads read) and GFT UK were my slimmer spread choice. Now, the moral part, to what degree can you "embelish" your application when applying for a SB account without getting into trouble? I dont want to ruffle feathers but then if theres no point in this screening method then i might as well just get past it ASAP and get on with trading.

Any advice welcome.

When I opened my IG Index the approval time was approx 5 minutes. I was shocked at how quick it was. I don't know what would stop them from approving you. I am guessing maybe being absent from the electoral roll or possibly having a very bad credit score would be two things they would mark against you.

As far as embelishing goes, I believe the above 2 are the only real things that may prevent them from opening an account for you so am not sure what you would need to lie about to get your account.

Evening All,

Having spent my entire sunday, since about 9am, reading through literally all the articles, maybe not all the pages though, but at least the majority of relevant threads, i have decided to open an ig index account. Now i filled it in as honestly as i could and they said that they couldn't automatically give me an account but they would contact me once they have reviewed my application. This is fine as i assume it is in my interest and as long as it is done soon all is well. HOWEVER it seems that GFT UK are also quite a good company although not too much about them on here compared to other SB's. Either way i decided that it would be a good idea to have two SB accounts open (advice taken from threads read) and GFT UK were my slimmer spread choice. Now, the moral part, to what degree can you "embelish" your application when applying for a SB account without getting into trouble? I dont want to ruffle feathers but then if theres no point in this screening method then i might as well just get past it ASAP and get on with trading.

Any advice welcome.

Well I am only 21 so i doubt my credit score would even exist seeing as i have never had a mortgage etc. Also i have never voted, not interested in local elections and am still waiting for a general election so does this mean i am not on the electoral role. Could it be that if i put limited experience in response to financial questions that they wont give me an account?

Any advice?

There's an issue with money laundering which can make things slow esp if there isn't someone in the office to check things or systems are down over the weekend.

And lying to get an account open may breach money laundering laws...