North American Union & Amero Currency

Crap Buddist

Senior member
Well, I have opened this thread with the spirit of assisting (by process of raising awareness, by process of ,er, well getting it out there a bit more like) our international members who are employee's, no, Damn! citizens.. of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. Damn! so they are employees.. anyhoo

As I understand it many of our international brothers & sister's, will again be the very last to know about these matters in any great detail,meaning or comprehension. Therein ,we perhaps should all step forward to discuss these issues and sort it all out. Or get it sorted. Or get them sorted & us sorted with it.

Yes, they know not that the Banksters are stiffing them, again without their consent, of the union of USA, CANADA & MEXICO (don't know bout you lot but i like to pronounce it (meh-hico) ). This will bring with it a new currency called the AMERO which signifies the end of the US Dollar. Initially when i think of that, the end of the dollar,a picture of bloodstained money comes to mind being hosed away down drains. Now my next feeling was trying to see a new dawn a new light of togetherness and man embracing his fellow. But , its a shockingly swift step towards global one world order control of money and people.

YouTube - The Amero - North American CurrencyYouTube - NORTH AMERICAN UNION & VCHIP TRUTH
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Over my dead body!

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Good thread CB. You could however, have placed it in the "general trading chat" as if the removal of the US$ does take place, this is a HUGE step in the evolution of financial markets
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Over my dead body!


I'm sorry that video is just silly and promotes violence and guns against violence and guns *sigh*

I highly doubt 80,000 or whatever Americans would ever match the 300 Spartans, Americans are scared and cowardly and that's why they held no resistance to invading and terrorizing Iraq after 9/11.
Oh and LOL watched the vid with sound off first time round, just knew it would have some heavy metal soundtrack in the background so replayed with volume on and guess what....

Oh and LOL watched the vid with sound off first time round, just knew it would have some heavy metal soundtrack in the background so replayed with volume on and guess what....


Did it involve doing what ya tell me.....perchance?