Need Help With Moving Average plotted on Indicators


I have plotted the indicator and have plotted moving average on it in the same window. But when I scroll to the left or to the right side the moving average does not stay at its place but instead shifts up or down while the indicators like RSI or CMO is stable and does not shift up or down. Please help me solve this problem it will be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Hi hommehansra

What charting package are you using?

This sound pretty normal. Upper indicators like the moving average will follow the price on the chart to a greater or lesser degree, depending on how low or how high a period you use in the MA. a 2 MA will follow the price much more closely than a 50 MA. As you scroll through the chart, if the price is rising, the MA is likely to be going upwards also, and vice versa. Lower indicators like RSI, MACD, ADX are always displayed below the chart. While the lines within them will fluctuate as you scroll through a chart, they will always remain below the the part of the chart where price is displayed.

Thank you jtrader. I am using metastock version 8 pro. If the MA plotted on indicators like RSI fluctautes then the decision we make to buy or sell the stock varies very much and the timing is very much effected. Is there a way to plot the MA in the same window of RSI while the MA does not fluctuate when we scroll left or right ?