Maths test for Tibra Trading


Junior member
Hi all,

I’ve been invited to take the maths test at Tibra’s London office. From what I’ve been able to gather so far, the tests consist of a 30 minute arithmetic/maths test, followed by a 1 hour logic test. Is this actually correct, or have people been faced with more than two tests at the initial testing session?

The recruitment agency has, for some reason, been rather vague vis-à-vis what the actual tests entail. Please could anyone shed some light on the kind of questions they faced when doing these tests? Also, does anyone know of any resources/links where I can practice questions similar to those that will appear on the tests?

The agency have told me that I won’t be allowed the use of my calculator; this is not a major issue for me provided there will actually be some rough paper to do the calculations on. If not, I’ll have to start doing some serious mental arithmetic practice. Have others before me had the luxury of rough paper when doing these tests?

Thanks for any information you may have, it will be greatly appreciated.