Live Trading Rooms


Hi. Anyone know of a reputable trading room that charges a decent fee?

I've heard of only two so far, Puretick and Trade the Markets.

I heard that the head trader at Puretick, Alex, could act like a jerk sometimes but does give good value for your money, while Trade the Markets doesn't give you much for your money although they are better natured. For example, I hear Puretick does a good job at posting trades taken, explaining setups, and providing free educational videos. On the other hand, I hear that the traders at Trade the Markets don't do that. In fact, I hear there's a lot of dead air or they are not even there half the time.

Puretick sounds like the better choice, but I was wondering if there was another trading room that may be of interest to me.

I'm looking to trade the YM and ES primarily.

Hey Traderguy,

My friend uses Stock market analysis and live trades

No reason to spend tons of money at those others,plus I've done them and the truth is they lose money. I have one friend that burned a 25,000 dollar account following tradethemarkets calls exactly. Just peruse their forums and you'll meet a man who had John Carter trade his account for him and lost 200,000 dollars. John confirmed it was true, but it wasn't his fault because he was busy moving at the time and the man who gave him his money should have known that.

I promise, I'm not lying. Just subscribe to their newsletter and track their performance to see how bad it really is. Just check out elitetrader to learn more about pure tick.

Wait, hold on. 1 post? Sounds a lot like an advert for puretick. Apparently, if price moves 1 cent in the right direction, it's recorded as a win, with pure tick.
thanks joe 4422. i promise i'm not affiliated with puretick nor any other trading room. puretick is too expensive if you ask me. i've looked at eotprolive and it' a little cheaper plus they give you indicators. but i'm still weighing my options. i'm just a beginning trader looking for direction.
Hey i run a trading chat room on skype. Just hoping to pass on some of my knowlege in trading before i retire. Let me know if anyone is interested. I have also created some useful resources that i believe should help anyone along their way.
trader x666, what is your web address?

and if you can show me how to hook up with you in skype i'd appreciate it. thanks.

i checked out and i like the idea of a trade within the first five minutes of the open, as i have a busy schedule. is your friend profitable when using this service? thanks.
They've just started the first 5 minute trades. He says the goal is 15% per month, but currently they're up about 30 something percent after three months.
Hi guys,
I have been trying out a trading room which i don't know if I am allowed to write about here but people seem to be posting links so i hope they wont mind. "strategicdaytrading". I registered for a trial and went for it after 2 days. what made me decide was that in this room i was watching the traders trade live and not talk about how their system can make you huge amount of money and trying with their sales pitch and most importantly trading on sim or hiding their orders. i have been there lots of times, believe me.
what i have found myself repeating over and over again for the last year or so is inconsistency and this is where the room has helped me a lot because it is totally automated but you still have to watch over it. to be honest after trying out so many systems and rooms i was actually very negative about trading rooms but i m really glad i gave it a shot. Now with the manual trading room its getting even better.
i personally have only actually ever tried one live trading room, - however , i did do alot of research and due diligence prior to that decision (i felt that it was more of an issue regarding potentially taking bad advice, learning from bad teachers and forming bad habits rather than good ones, a bad teacher will set you back and waste your time and money),

my decision eventually was to join phil newtons trading room,,, the website is and he trades live with you explaining his live trades on a daily basis -usually from 8 am to 4 pm or there abouts depending on market conditions, his teachings are excellent purely based on price action and technical analysis of price, i reccomend his site very highly and some of the other members in there are clearly experienced traders who will a lso offer any words of encouragement and wisdom needed , i advise you to check it out and consider it strongly , there is a free 2 day trial if you are not sure and at 130 GBP per month - its a pretty decent price compared to some of the mad pricing that one sees at weekend seminars ETC,, ,,
i hope that this helps and i d be glad to answer any questions if you need ,