ETFs - trade at closing price?



I have a long-only strategy that requires to buy 2 non-leveraged ETFs (and sell previous 2 ETFs) at the close of the week. Since backtest is made on closing prices I need to buy/sell as close as possible to closing bell at 16:00. All ETFs have at least 100.000 avg. 3-month volume, and spreads from $0,01-$0,05.

So what is the best way to trade that situation? My plan is to:
1. Sell old 2 ETFs @ 15:59:00 MTL (market-to-limit)
2. Buy new 2 ETFs @ 15:59:30 MTL (market-to-limit)
3. Position size for each ETF is $50.000

I was also looking at MOC (market-on-close) orders, but I can't use them since I have to sell old positions first and submit orders till 15:45 (NYSE).

The only concern here is that my orders won't be filled becouse of market-to-limit order, short execution time and position size. Does anyone have a better solution or can tell from his own experience what works best? I guess liquidity of ETFs is not a problem as they buy/sell portfolio in realtime?
It looks good but I figured it might be old ideas just washed and brushed up. It's not that I'm worried about my shelf space, it's just the time and effort to read the book that I don't want to waste.