Recent content by William Rafter

  1. William Rafter

    Equities Fundamental Analysis Sector Rotation

    Can a sector rotation strategy improve performance of investment returns? In this article the author looks at sector rotation within the US markets. Investors can most certainly use a sector rotation strategy to produce returns which outperform the market, or even some hedge funds, despite what...
  2. William Rafter

    Technical Analysis Point & Figure Gone High Tech

    There are a large number of traders who look at Point & Figure charts, with "look" being the operative word. That is, for most traders, once the market data gets represented as a P&F chart, they are at the end game. If the last x entered is in one box higher than x's in other columns, you've...
  3. William Rafter

    Technical Analysis Moving Slope Rate of Change: Proven Value

    The Proof is in the Trading In my recent TASC article, "The Hunt for Superior Signals - Two Moving Function Hybrids" (September 2005), I recommended that the Moving Slope Rate of Change ("MSROC") be a part of every trader and researcher's toolbox. A quick look at this indicator demonstrates...