Recent content by WillHunter1984

  1. W

    Schneider Trading Associates: Graduate Training Program

    I'm taking baby steps .... sweet, light baby steps
  2. W

    Schneider Trading Associates: Graduate Training Program

    Cheers pal. Will bear it in mind. Halcyon days indeed
  3. W

    Schneider Trading Associates: Graduate Training Program

    Anyway, going to get my head down and enjoy the fun. If anyone from my class reads this post then chin up and see you soon fellow
  4. W

    Schneider Trading Associates: Graduate Training Program

    Been at Schneider for 'coming-on-to' 3 weeks now. Trading is great, love it a lot. Been trading the Bund/Bobl/Schatz, and now this working going onto Oil Trading (Light Sweet Crude) Riveting stuff and have been looking over the contract. Going to go for it.