Recent content by VegasClub

  1. V

    Using options to daytrade (delta question)

    Option deep ITM is like a future. An advantage to trade an option in relation to the future is only given if you can benefit from the nonlinearity function of the option. For daytrading is this advantage only given if the time to expiration is only few days because if the option runs for example...
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    gamma scalping bias after daily settlement

    gamma scalping is only a headword ... or slogan.. more not. 10 traders 10 different minings to gamma scalping what it should be...
  3. V

    Decision for option tradingsoftware

    Hello, I am new here... I am looking for a good software for optionstrading. The decision is not easy. In the moment i have three favorite products. Optionvue, Optionetics and Vandermart (site under construction, but the manual seems incredible, but think to expensive). Who knows this products...
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    Best Thread T2W Guide to Trading: Options

    Hello, I am new here... I am looking for a good software for optionstrading. The decision is not easy. In the moment i have three favorite products. Optionvue, Optionetics and Vandermart (site under construction, but the manual seems incredible, but think to expensive). Who knows this products...