Recent content by Vaco

  1. Vaco

    Best Thread Live Trading and General Chat Lounge

    yes, why do you ask?
  2. Vaco

    Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

    no thats what your doing.
  3. Vaco

    Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

    TraderNumber7 will not be replying to the comments on this thread as he is too busy replying to pms from the lurkers who wish to be the 'chosen one'.
  4. Vaco

    Who is Trade2Win Userid: TraderNumber7?

    Does the protege have to deposit their $2500 withe Divisa Capital? Just that Divisa's min acc opening balance is $2.5k Just that recently you have been proclaiming them as one of only 2 reputable brokers available to the retail trader...
  5. Vaco

    FXCM -vs- DCFX Spread Challenge II

    Ok lets run with this, Fxcm are expensive, even by their own comparison of their active trader vs standard accout their standard account is 60% more expensive per trade. ( based on $3.5 cost per side and including ave spread cost). However their are many other brokers out there with some...
  6. Vaco

    FXCM -vs- DCFX Spread Challenge II

    Yes thats true, I'm not defending higher spreads, I'm just saying that it is not always the issue its been made out to be on here.
  7. Vaco

    FXCM -vs- DCFX Spread Challenge II

    I'm not saying you should, all i'm saying is that you can still be profitable. Also you ignored my point regarding limit orders vs market orders. lets say I place a limit order with both brokers to buy EJ at 96.00 and sell it at 97.00 both orders are hit and I make 100 pips I pay DCFX the...
  8. Vaco

    FXCM -vs- DCFX Spread Challenge II

    if your swing trading gunning for 100+ pips I don't see how those 'spreads' would cause a hinderance so severe that the trader should get his head examined. Also when trading with limit orders rather then market, I would rather pay the broker via the spread instead of commision.
  9. Vaco

    FXCM -vs- DCFX Spread Challenge II

    I trade with fxcm and have never seen ej that low for a substantial length of time, 2.5 for GU and EJ is the norm.
  10. Vaco

    Trading Performance

    There is no typical, thats the point, everyones variables are different.
  11. Vaco

    Coin flips psychologically better??

    If I were like you Dino, then it seems I would have a valuable skill that would save me afew pennies.
  12. Vaco

    Coin flips psychologically better??

    Interesting how everyone has taken my comment as a positive when it was intended as a negative, the opp suggests that random entry is less stressfull as it takes away the need to think, however i am saying its worse because you have to think more when you have money on the line. I always find...
  13. Vaco

    Coin flips psychologically better??

    coin flip entry, then you would do the damage with analytical musings regarding exit at loss or profit
  14. Vaco

    Best Thread FXCM Discussion

    On the windows phone platform i dont seem to be able to close open positions, Is there something i'm missing here or is this a known issue that you are working on.
  15. Vaco

    Grid trading: Does it work?

    pullbacks not doing it for u anymore?